PLoTTieRstar0 chat_bubble5 visibility2.128
IN THE WOODS PLoTTieRstar0 chat_bubble0 visibility1.407
FALL PLoTTieRstar0 chat_bubble1 visibility1.973
SMALL BRIDGE PLoTTieRstar0 chat_bubble2 visibility1.893
LONELY PLoTTieRstar0 chat_bubble0 visibility1.559
DETAILS PLoTTieRstar0 chat_bubble3 visibility2.054
AWARENESS Las Grutasstar0 chat_bubble1 visibility1.213
DANCING PLoTTieRstar0 chat_bubble1 visibility1.625
AFTER THE HAIL the Bolsonstar0 chat_bubble2 visibility1.834
CHLOROPHYLL the maitenstar0 chat_bubble4 visibility1.905
TIME TRAVEL the maitenstar0 chat_bubble4 visibility2.037
CULTURAL HERITAGE the maitenstar0 chat_bubble5 visibility1.944